
In one word, binary search is to search for a target in a sorted array. The idea is to shrink the search space to empty.

It must be sorted because we can be sure how to shrink the search space and we normally reduce the search space by half so the time complexity is O(logN) where N is the size of entire search space.

One common problem to understand Binary Search is how to identify the boundary of the search space.

The below is the pattern I am using to solve the most Binary Search questions.

class Solution:
	def search(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
		# The boundary is inclusive which determines the while condition
		head, tail = 0, len(nums) - 1
		# since the boundary is inclusive on the two ends of the nums array
		# we should search even when head == tail and we should just check 
		# that particular value
		while head <= tail:
			# we use floor division to make sure mid is an integer otherwise
			# it cannot be used to index
			# and using floor division will always result in a smaller value
			# towards head so we don't want to stop search when head < tail 
			mid = (head + tail) // 2
			# this is the part I love about this approach
			# we can return the result right away if it is equal to the target as
			# 1: we don't have to go through all search space
			# 2: we can safely eliminate mid point in the next search
			if nums[mid] == target:
				return mid
			# if target is larger than nums[mid], it indicates the result sits
			# on the left of mid, and otherwise the result sits on the right
			if nums[mid] < target:
				# since we are sure nums[mid] is not the result, we don't have
				# to check nums[mid] again and we could move head to mid + 1
				# otherwise, we move tail to mid - 1
				head = mid + 1
				tail = mid - 1
		# we are sure no results are found since all space are searched
		return -1

Example Questions

69. Sqrt(x)

Given a non-negative integer x, return the square root of x rounded down to the nearest integer. The returned integer should be non-negative as well.

You must not use any built-in exponent function or operator.

  • For example, do not use pow(x, 0.5) in c++ or x ** 0.5 in python.

Example 1:

Input: x = 4 Output: 2 Explanation: The square root of 4 is 2, so we return 2.

Example 2:

Input: x = 8 Output: 2 Explanation: The square root of 8 is 2.82842…, and since we round it down to the nearest integer, 2 is returned.


  • 0 <= x <= 231 - 1


class Solution:
	# we are using binary search because the search space is sorted and must be
	# from [1, x]
    def mySqrt(self, x: int) -> int:
        if x < 2: return x
        # The search space is [0, x//2] since it is to find the square root
        head, tail = 0, x // 2
        while head <= tail:
            mid = (head + tail) // 2
            temp = mid * mid
            if temp == x:
                return mid
            elif temp < x:
                head = mid + 1
                tail = mid - 1
        if mid * mid > x:
            return mid - 1
            return mid

33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

There is an integer array nums sorted in ascending order (with distinct values).

Prior to being passed to your function, nums is possibly rotated at an unknown pivot index k (1 <= k < nums.length) such that the resulting array is [nums[k], nums[k+1], ..., nums[n-1], nums[0], nums[1], ..., nums[k-1]] (0-indexed). For example, [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] might be rotated at pivot index 3 and become [4,5,6,7,0,1,2].

Given the array nums after the possible rotation and an integer target, return the index of target if it is in nums, or -1 if it is not in nums.

You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [4,5,6,7,0,1,2], target = 0 Output: 4

Example 2:

Input: nums = [4,5,6,7,0,1,2], target = 3 Output: -1

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1], target = 0 Output: -1


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 5000
  • -104 <= nums[i] <= 104
  • All values of nums are unique.
  • nums is an ascending array that is possibly rotated.
  • -104 <= target <= 104


class Solution:
    def search(self, nums: list[int], target: int) -> int:
        head = 0
        tail = len(nums) - 1

        while head <= tail:
            mid = (head + tail) // 2
            if nums[mid] == target:
                return mid
            if nums[head] <= nums[mid]:
                if nums[head] <= target <= nums[mid]:
                    tail = mid - 1
                    head = mid + 1
                if nums[mid] <= target <= nums[tail]:
                    head = mid + 1
                    tail = mid - 1
        return -1

4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Given two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively, return the median of the two sorted arrays.

The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

Example 1:

Input: nums1 = [1,3], nums2 = [2] Output: 2.00000 Explanation: merged array = [1,2,3] and median is 2.

Example 2:

Input: nums1 = [1,2], nums2 = [3,4] Output: 2.50000 Explanation: merged array = [1,2,3,4] and median is (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5.


  • nums1.length == m
  • nums2.length == n
  • 0 <= m <= 1000
  • 0 <= n <= 1000
  • 1 <= m + n <= 2000
  • -106 <= nums1[i], nums2[i] <= 106


This question has the following information:

  1. two sorted arrays
  2. find the median of the two sorted arrays which indicate the non-descending order
  3. time complexity is O(log(m+n)) which is a big sign of Binary Search

The idea is to find the slice, say mid1 and mid2, in two arrays and nums1[mid1] < nums2[mid2] and nums2[mid2] < nums1[mid1] so we know the elements on the left of mid1 and mid2 are smaller than the elements on the other side. Then we could get the median based on the size of the total elements.

And one key in this question is to make sure all the elements on the left add up should be equal to the half size of entire elements, then we can ensure the mid1 and mid2 represent the position of median values.

class Solution:
    def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> float:
        if len(nums1) > len(nums2):
            return self.findMedianSortedArrays(nums2, nums1)
        m, n = len(nums1), len(nums2)
        # the search space is the length of the array unlike the index in above questions, this is important since the array is 0-indexed.
        head, tail = 0, m
        while head <= tail:
	        # this the length we attempt to grap from nums1
            mid1 = (head + tail) // 2
			# this is the length we attempt to grap from nums2, it is (m + n + 1)//2 - mid1 so mid2 will not be negative
			# when mid1 increases and equal to m, (m + n)//2 - m could be negative when n < m and (m + n) is odd, thus (m + n + 1) ensure mid2 won't be negative
            mid2 = (m + n + 1) // 2 - mid1
			# if the length is 0 for either nums1 or nums2, the value on the left should be infinite negative since there is no value
            maxLeft1 = float("-inf") if mid1 == 0 else nums1[mid1 - 1]
            maxLeft2 = float("-inf") if mid2 == 0 else nums2[mid2 - 1]
			# likewise, if entire elements are grapped, the element on the right is infinite positive
            minRight1 = float("inf") if mid1 == m else nums1[mid1]
            minRight2 = float("inf") if mid2 == n else nums2[mid2]
			# since we get mid2 from mid1 and the total length, the mid1 and mid2 should always slice the entire elements into half and we only need check if the elements to the left of mid1 and mid2 are less than those on the other side.
            if maxLeft1 <= minRight2 and maxLeft2 <= minRight1:
	            # if so, we calculate the median given the total size
                if (m + n) % 2 == 0:
	                # if it is even, we need the value on the left and right of mid since it requires two value
                    return (min(minRight1, minRight2) + max(maxLeft1, maxLeft2)) / 2
	                # otherwise, we only need the max of maxLeft1 and maxLeft2 
                    return max(maxLeft1, maxLeft2)
	            # if the ending condition doesn't meet, we should adjust the search space to contain less elements from nums1 since the left value of mid1, maxLeft1, is larger than the right value of mid2, minRight2
                if maxLeft1 > minRight2:
                    tail = mid1 - 1
                    head = mid1 + 1

1891. Cutting Ribbons

You are given an integer array ribbons, where ribbons[i] represents the length of the ith ribbon, and an integer k. You may cut any of the ribbons into any number of segments of positive integer lengths, or perform no cuts at all.

  • For example, if you have a ribbon of length 4, you can:
    • Keep the ribbon of length 4,
    • Cut it into one ribbon of length 3 and one ribbon of length 1,
    • Cut it into two ribbons of length 2,
    • Cut it into one ribbon of length 2 and two ribbons of length 1, or
    • Cut it into four ribbons of length 1.

Your goal is to obtain k ribbons of all the same positive integer length. You are allowed to throw away any excess ribbon as a result of cutting.

Return the maximum possible positive integer length that you can obtain k ribbons of_, or_ 0 if you cannot obtain k ribbons of the same length.

Example 1:

Input: ribbons = [9,7,5], k = 3 Output: 5 Explanation:

  • Cut the first ribbon to two ribbons, one of length 5 and one of length 4.
  • Cut the second ribbon to two ribbons, one of length 5 and one of length 2.
  • Keep the third ribbon as it is. Now you have 3 ribbons of length 5.

Example 2:

Input: ribbons = [7,5,9], k = 4 Output: 4 Explanation:

  • Cut the first ribbon to two ribbons, one of length 4 and one of length 3.
  • Cut the second ribbon to two ribbons, one of length 4 and one of length 1.
  • Cut the third ribbon to three ribbons, two of length 4 and one of length 1. Now you have 4 ribbons of length 4.

Example 3:

Input: ribbons = [5,7,9], k = 22 Output: 0 Explanation: You cannot obtain k ribbons of the same positive integer length.


  • 1 <= ribbons.length <= 105
  • 1 <= ribbons[i] <= 105
  • 1 <= k <= 109


This question asks if we could find a maximum possible length to cut the ribbons into k ribbons of the same size.

Therefore, we know it is a search question between the minimal length, 1, and the maximal length, the longest ribbon given.

And we want to have the maximum possible length of each cut. Suppose we have length A which yields more than k ribbons, we should try a larger value and otherwise a lesser value.

The only difference with above questions is we have to go through the entire search space. And we are trying to find the maximal value, in our pattern, we should return $tail$ (the right end of search space) in the end.

class Solution:
    def maxLength(self, ribbons: List[int], k: int) -> int:
	    # set the two end of search space
        head, tail = 1, max(ribbons)
		# check how many ribbons can be made
        def helper(cut):
            count = 0
            for ribbon in ribbons:
                count += ribbon // cut
            return count

        while head <= tail:
            mid = (head + tail) // 2
            # if we get more than k rippons, we could try a larger value
            if helper(mid) >= k:
                head = mid + 1
                tail = mid - 1
        # here we return tail instead of mid
        # In one word, the search space will be between two values at the end 
        # suppose head = 4 and tail = 5, so mid = 4 due to floor division, then we have two scenarios 4 is the answer and 4 is not the answer. But no matter what, we will make head = mid + 1 = 5 (since 4 will def generate k or more than k rippons, otherwise the head won't be 4 at the last round). 
        # When head = 5, the mid = 5
	        #if 5 is not the answer, tail will become mid - 1 = 4 and we finish search
	        #if 5 is the answer, head = mid + 1 = 6 > tail = 5, we also finish search
	    # thus we should return tail as the result   
        return tail


In my opinion, *Binary Search* is a possible solution when the questions contain the following information:
1. The question asks us to find an result and this results are comparable with each other so we could shrink the search space
2. The search space must be sorted
3. We also need pay attention to the final result (tail or mid)

In this case, as long as we can transform the question into the case above, we could use *Binary Search* to solve it.